Life’s pathway offers many lanes. Its up to us to choose the path and direction that is best fit for our future. However, these paths offer no guarantees it is our obligation to fulfill our lives with the sustenance needed to survive. What is that you say sustenance for life… Sustenance is what makes your flower grow sustenance is the liquid will the runs through your vanes… Sustenance is the determination of your existence in this universe.
We as a human race are filled with man mad rules of life, cluttered with lies, deception, hate, betrayal and if you are lucky love… but what does it all mean? what are we searching for? life has to have a foundation in the eyes of its holder.
The rules of man have proven to be deceptive, unhuman, selfish, outdated, misguided and truly disappointing… How does one swim in mud??? How does one find truth amongst the thorns???
Many of us follow what is called hope… Hoping for fulfillment of voids that can only be filled by one’s self… yet we begin a life journey to fill voids. We hope for happiness, we hope for acceptance we hope for love we hope to be understood… The strange thing is that these things can only be accomplished by our own will… Mans rules have no control of one’s self it’s you that reaches for the trinkets.
What does life verses live mean to you??? Is it wealth, fame, love, acceptance, success??? Truthfully all of the above mentioned are heavy misguided weights that can diminish the soul and teardown the core of our spirits if allowed… these things attribute more stress, pain, distraction, hurt, confusion and disappointment than can be imagined…
What is your core made of? Know your breed and live by your design… Games over.
Walking the line of truth is a lonely one but are you really walking in truth if you are not true to self??? One cannot embrace truth without knowing what truth is… Truth is not a convenience truth is a walk of life the core of your being that with its careful design separates you from the rest… Truth shows you truth then its up to you to consume and embrace it as part of your life’s fabric or to hide in between it to satisfy man made rules…
We the human race are life’s energy… but what will you do with that power? How do you accomplish achievement with in man’s rules without being true to self? Most everything in life is a choice… you may not choose sickness however you can choose to fight… when you know lies, you can choose truth… Our life’s purpose must be greater that the gaining of a man-made paper dollar that holds the key to false happiness and complete emptiness to so many… if you have to much of it you are alone, unhappy, paranoid, divided an in many cases controlled and consumed with greed. If you don’t have it you are deprived, separated, struggling and looked down upon… does anyone ever care of the truth within??? Truth is life’s wealth.
Life has been hijacked as mans game… we are used as toys. Even with the truth in our laps we second guess truth and attaché to man’s deceptions all for the sake of acceptance… wow now that’s a path for you. Acceptance what does that even mean acceptance??? Why is this trend so powerful??? when Is it not their way or the highway??? Acceptance has to be within self, however if you don’t know self than you probably don’t know truth…
Contrary to man’s systemic plan truth is happiness, however it may not offer acceptance because happiness is not man’s plan. Mans plan is without harmony mans plan consists of mental imprisonment with trinkets of false fulfilment. We are slaves of systemic process to which there is no escape but there is always truth… Many claim to be “real” however “real” should not be confused with truth when coming from a split tongue. Most cannot handle truth… truth is heavy to carry in the mud, however shines bright as the sun.
Why is it so hard to walk in truth? because it doesn’t come with the fake trinkets, bells and whistles. We as a race see trinkets, bells and whistles as accomplishment even when achieved on the backs of others.
You cannot ride on another’s accomplishments and feel pride. If you ride on others accomplishments for acceptance in the way of man’s rules and systemic outline… there is no truth in that, and the dollar unfortunately does not cover internal disgrace which many will carry for life, while knowing truth but refusing to embrace it again because truth is not acceptance and does not lead to popularity.
Truth is what make us unique… it’s not a $1000.00 outfit, or a title that has consumed our reality. Truth is the light, the breath, life’s true reality. Don’t try to find a place… know your space… Know your breed live by your design… we are worth more than the paper we are sold on.
If you don’t understand the genius you won’t recognize the beast….
By Theresa E Edwards-Mize
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